Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Performance
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Performance Boat design and setup secrets for Recreational tunnels, Offshore Cats, Racing tunnels, Fishing/Utility hulls, Vee and Vee-Pad Hulls, Bass Boats
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    Tunnel Boat Design Program software
    About TBDP Version 8                                  US$399 5 star rating

"I’ve tried other hydrodynamic analysis programs, even CFD modelling software, and TBDP/VBDP is best performance software I’ve found. TBDP is flexible, handles any hull configuration, amazing accuracy, outstanding customer service. My favourite by far!" [Jan 2021 - Shawn - MI, USA]



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"Customer service from AeroMarine Reseaarch is outstanding! Jim answers any questions quickly and was willing to discuss any of my design issues as I optimized performance using TBDP/VBDP softare. Love the software and the great support from Jim!" [P. Wilson, FL, USA, Sept 2024]

TBDP© reviewed by Scream & Fly magazine. 

Check out the review (Ver 7) at the S&F site, or download your own copy.

"Jim Russell is the best there is and Helmut and I have always been guided by his knowledge and experience". [Greg Terzian, S&F magazine]

Scream and Fly magazine Review of TBDP/VBDP Ver. 8
"...the very best and most comprehensive perform"...the very best and most comprehensive performance evaluation tool available."

I found Jim Russell from AeroMarine Research, the software is 'so good', and it helped me very, very much." [Ari Nurminen, Finland, Aug 2021]

Tunnel Boat Design Program Version 8.0
TBDP© Ver 8.0 Powerboat & RIB magazine

"..Other software such as generic CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis software just don't get such meaningful or accurate results!"

** Check out magazine reviews of new TBDP software in Powerboat & RIB magazine,  Hot Boat (USA) magazine and in Raceboat Int'l  (UK) magazine.
  About TBDP | Features | How it Works | Design Inputs | Perf Outputs | Screens | Reports | VBDP | Testimonials | Our Methods | Reviews | Updates | Videos | Order

Tunnel Boat/Vee Boat Design Program (TBDP©/VBDP©) accurately predicts how your boat will perform, optimizes performance, economy, top speed and dynamic stability.

Regular Updates - [check out newest updates here]

TBDP©/VBDP© is a Windows™ based software that employs advanced 'parametric hull design' to complete performance and design analysis for all types of tunnel hulls, power catamarans, modified tunnels, vee hulls and vee-pad hulls.  Any size of boat - big or small, any hp - huge or little, any configuration. (See also VBDP©)

Simple User-interface makes design input and performance analysis a quick, simple task. Check out all the Features.

Improve all aspects of your hull performance - it's not just for going faster - better load carrying, mid-range performance testing, power requirements, optimize economy at any speed, stability at all speeds - and of course, it'll help achieve top speed with best performance! Check out videos to see examples of what TBDP/VBDP can do.

How It Works - quick look at how TBDP©/VBDP© works.

Most comprehensive, complete Performance Reports information through on-screen Performance Reports and Printed Reports, including full velocity range predictive Performance data, Performance Graphs, AND unique 'intelligent' Performance Report narrative with key observations and recommendations.

Help/User Manual - TBDP©/VBDP© includes a detailled  page User Manual, on-line context-sensitive HELP features, and installation CD or USB drive.

Check out why AR software?...

How fast will my boat go? When will it become unstable?  Will my boat porpoise?  How can  I optimize my powercat? Can a center-pad make my vee hull faster? What if I change the deadrise of the bottoms?  Dozens of design and performance questions answered with the TBDP©/VBDP© intellegent report wizard and over  performance data measurments and  performance graphs.

Proven analysis methods - For all planing hulls.  Based on leading edge aerodynamic and hydrodynamic research, AR® developed complex algorithms, verified by full-size boat performance testing, that accurately represent hull designs, setups and performance results through the full velocity range (because determining performance at only 1 velocity leaves much still in question!)  TBDP©/VBDP© software does all the work for you with the click of a button to get highly accurate performance prediction of your boat. [click here to see how it works]

What can TBDP©/VBDP© do?

TBDP©/VBDP© is the BEST!  TBDP©/VBDP© allows you to optimize hull hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, improve performance-to-weight ratios, increase overall performance. AR® sustains the most advanced powerboat performance research programs in the industry. Other software that are just fancy 3-D drawing aids just do not have the engineering complexities used by TBDP©/VBDP© algorithms, or the analysis methods required to obtain the most realistic and accurate performance results.  TBDP©/VBDP© is developed with leading-edge research and verified by full-scale boat testing and race proving!

Easy Results Interpretation - TBDP©/VBDP© Performance Results are easy to understand - there's no need to interpret flow distribution paths or translate pages of CFD numbers to see how your boat behaves in real life. Accurate Performance and Stability data are shown for dozens of meaningful measures throughout the entire operating velecity range; and Performance Graphs showing easy-to-read Performance results; and a unique AI-based narrative Optimizaton Report w/Recomendations and tips that are specific to your unique design & setup.

Analysis methods - Performance optimization using TBDP©/VBDP© can provide improved hull/fuel efficiency at a specified load/speed OR can provide increased top speed at desired power OR optimize acceleration/elapsed time. (see more about Analysis)

Optimized performance analysis - get full performance data,  data points, for chosen analysis methods: 1) Max Velocity or Test Velocity' 2) Trim Angles with Full Power, 3) Economy with Lowest Power & Lowest Trim Angle; 4) Power Required for specified Trim Angle.  Results through full operating velocity range.

TBDP© incorporates the same "AR® Analysis" design approach that is documented in the world acclaimed Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design book2025). TBDP©/VBDP© principles work for all types and sizes of hulls, because the analysis uses proven engineering performance algorithms - NOT simulation constants or modification 'factors'.

NOT estimating - TBDP©/VBDP© doesn't use 'C' constants or 'factors' to simulate different hull types - it analyzes all design and dimensional aspects of each hull from first engineering principles, proven by research and verified by full-scale testing.  The power of this software are engineering techniques that account for the critical inter-dependence of aerodynamic, hydrodynamic and stability calculation methods that are key to proper powerboat design and accurate performance prediction. NO OTHER SOFTWARE DOES THIS.

For ALL hull types - TBDP©/VBDP© is a high performance software, but it's not just for high performance applications.  (see who uses TBDP© software.) Great for recreational, commercial, fishing, high performance and racing tunnels, power cats Vee hulls and Vee-pad hulls ...even whitewater jet hulls, RC boats, Fishing/Utility tunnels, modified tunnel (Mod-VP), modified Vee hulls, bass boats, military hulls.   [What all does TBDP© do?]

See complete feature list and NEW features in Ver 8

TBDP© deciphers the complex balance of dynamic forces in performance hulls. This is the most advanced technology available for performance hull analysis & design.  The unique AR® research-proven relationship of combined hydrodynamics and aerodynamics - from "ground effect" of a high-performance hull - are derived to show accurate effects on the performance and dynamic stability of the hull design, setup and application environment.

[see who uses TBDP©]

tbdp input screen - AeroMarine Research
Easy design input
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Extensive performance reports & graphics
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Easy quick-design wizard

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Extensive performance reports & graphics

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
OEM engine selection wizard with specs from over  listed.

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research

new.gif (29x14 -- 9694 bytes) Custom Performance Report Wizard, unique details for every design/setup.

Sept 2019 - "I just received my TBDP (Version 8.2), and I LOVE it!  The new features are FANTASTIC!  Thank you AeroMarine [RJ, Austrailia]


What's new 02/16/25
(Windows 11/10/8//7/XP)
new updates

Windows 11,10,8,7,XP

* Dozens of NEW features
* See Version 8 New Features Summary
* Includes NEW Motor Wizard with over OEM engine choices!

Contact Jimboat for support, help or questions


TBDP V8, "How Fast Does My Boat Go?" Analysis video


VBDP V8.11, "Porpoising Analysis" video


TBDP V8, "Auto 123 Performance Analysis" video


TBDP V8, "Quick Design Wizard" video


"Economy Performance Analysis" video


TBDP V8, "Lower Unit Design" Performance Analysis video

  Test your hull: with Steps, CenterPod, any engine/lower unit, any sponson type/width/deadrise, any tunnel width/height/angle/shape/aerofoil, any tunnel angle (more/less "lift"), spray rails/lifting strakes, any cockpit/cowling design, any deck shape/area, any weight distributions, any engine setback.  Even account for climate, air temperature, humidity, altitude, water temp & type (salt/fresh).

What if I modify...?: Making changes (major or minor) can be a tedious, time-consumng and costly effort when implemented on a boat/setup, without knowing whether the resulting performance is going to be as expected or not. TBDP©/VBDP© can complete the performance analysis of design changes or 'mods' and display the predicted performance results of the 'design modifications' - compared to the 'base design'.  The 'Performance Report Wizard' even analyzes the changes for you, predicting how your performance will change.

Proven with full scale hull (real boats) testing, wind tunnel testing, water channel testing, unique engineering research for all types of hulls.  Predictive results shown to be +/- 1% or better! 

What can TBDP do?

  • What will the performance of my hull be?  Is my boat design stable at 50mph? 
  • How much power do I need for my hull?  How fast will my boat go? 
  • Will my vee hull porpoise?
  • What is the best size of center-pad for my vee hull conversion?
  • What is my best acceleration time?
  • What's the optimum tunnel height for my hull? How much faster will it go if I reduce tunnel height?  how about tunnel width? 
  • When will my boat start to porpoise?  What can I change to avoid porpoising? When does my hull become unstable? 
  • How does hull deadrise affect my hull speed and performance?
  • Will Steps help my boat's performance?
  • Will a center-pod help my performance? 
  • What happens if I shift weight in my setup?  What is the dynamic stability of my boat?
  • At what speed does my hull experience the "hump zone"? 
  • What difference in performance is my hull if I increase HP of my engine?
  • What happens to my performance if I raise my engine by 1/2 inch?
  • Does engine setback change my hull performance?
  • Is my boat faster with....wider sponsons?  more trim?  less deadrise? smaller tunnel depth?  add a step? 
  • What happens to my speed if I close in my boat's cockpit?  What is my acceleration/elapsed time in 1000ft?
  • How fast will my boat go with "X" HP?  How much HP do I need to go "Y" mph? 
  • How much speed do I gain if I reduce hull weight by "Z" pounds? -

Any or ALL of these queries are easy to answer with TBDP/VBDP.

The User can quickly: predict maximum speed and hull performance for the complete hull velocity range; optimize hull design and setup for specific operating expectations; test hull modifications with the software for expected performance BEFORE changing the boat; design new hulls for optimum performance; analyze performance characteristics in detail, including dynamic balance, all hydrodynamic and aerodynamic Lifts & Drags, HP requirements, trim angles - even porpoising analysis; compare performance of old design with new design with on-screen graphics. TBDP© takes the dramatic costs and expensive time delays out of traditional "trial-and-error" design processes.

And it all works for vee hulls and vee-pad hulls too!

What others say...
"At only $399, can you really afford NOT to have the TBDP© software?  It saved me ten times that much $ by using TBDP© before I starting building my boat!"  [Glenn L.- FLA, USA]

"I highly recommend the Tunnel Boat Design software. It allowed us to build a boat from the ground up, and test it without even having to build a prototype first. .. it tested within 0.1 mph of the projected speed. [Mike Breslin, Sport C World Champion]

"It is easy to use for even complete novices...pros can dive right in, and amateurs will find that the program can guide users through each step. The included Help file is a gold mine of performance boat knowledge. Each design measurement and aspect of performance is clearly and accurately defined, along with the related background theory." [Greg Terzian, Scream&Fly magazine review]

  (more testimonials here)

Excellent for any size of boat - Commercial Catamarans, Performance/Recreational tunnels, Sport tunnel, Offshore catamarans, Circuit racing tunnels (F1/IOGP), Ocean racers (OPC), whitewater jets, Fishing/Utility powercats, or Recreational tunnels, including modified tunnel (Mod-VP), modified Vee style hulls, Vee hulls & Vee-Pad hulls, even RC performance models. Size, speed and setup conditions are all accounted for by the software.  TBDP/VBDP principles perform well for all types and any sizes of tunnel hulls/catamarans/modified Vee hulls and Vee hulls & Vee-pad hulls.
[see who uses TBDP©]
 VBDP© software for Vee Hull Design!  VBDP© provides Vee Hull and Vee-Pad hull design & performance analysis, including dynamic stability and Porpoising analysis, Step analysis
The TBDP© makes it easy for the designer to clearly predict the effect of any individual or group of design change(s) on the ultimate performance of the hull. 

The software is not a fancy drawing or drafting-aid package. It is a proven, engineering design/analysis program that presents predictive performance results in easy-to-read, comparative-style format, on any Windows-compatible PC system.
TBDP© generates detailed performance Reports, showing complete performance measurements of hydrodynamic Lifts & Drags, aerodynamic Lifts & Drags, forces & coefficients, dynamic stability, center of pressures, acceleration, elapsed times - even a unique Porpoise Analysis and Step Design analysisPerformance reporting is done NOT just at one speed, but throughout the full operating velocity range of the hulls operating performance range.  Data Reports make it easy to compare design changes, whether complex or simple changes, illustrating the regions of performance that are better or worse. graphic Performance output is also presented for an easy visual review of all performance characteristics.
The TBDP© allows for unlimited variations of tunnel hull designs stored in individual files. All design data dimensions and performance requirements for each design configuration are input to "free-form" data-entry screens, and easily changed. Predictive performance results are calculated with the same world-aclaimed procedure outlined in the Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design© book (ISBN# 1-894933-30-3), using special complex algorithms. Essential performance indicators such as "angle-of-attack", "wetted surface", "power ratings", "acceleration", "elapsed time", "dynamic stability", porpoising, relations are determined for specified velocity ranges. Complex design features such as multiple steps, different aerofoil shapes, cockpit or enclosed "capsule" cockpits or "cuddy cabin" or "center console"; multiple power trains, and Mod-VP style centre-pod hull designs, can be implemented easily into the analysis. Even effects of climate, geographic altitude and the differences of salt and fresh water are included. The resulting effect on all performance characteristics of even small dimensional or operating changes can be seen quickly.
 Professional features include on-line HTML Help manual, context sensitive Help Screens, and data file export, printing of reports, results and graphs to any Windows supported printer.

 Results can be easily analyzed with the powerful on-screen-graphic presentation. All of the essential performance indicators are presented in engineering graph format, for your full velocity range, showing the trends of these important indicators throughout the full velocity range of operation.

 TBDP©/VBDP© includes a detailled
 page User Manual, on-line context-sensitive HELP features, and installation CD [a DVD/CD-ROM drive is required in your computer for installation.]


jim2.jpg secrets_of_tunnel_boat_desi.gif

about Jim Russell

"Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition"
 "Secrets of Propeller Design" book

"TBDP Version 8" Software "VBDP Version 8" Software "PropWorks2" software

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Special pricing updated March 20, 2025
Contact us at:
AeroMarine Research®
67 Highland Crescent, Cambridge, ON, Canada, N1S1M1
Tel: 519-240-7959

©Copyright by AeroMarine Research and Jim Russell, 1999, all rights reserved.
Material from this website may be not copied or used or redistributed, in whole or in part, without specific written consent of Jim Russell or AeroMarine Research®.