Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Performance
design for Powerboats

Performance Boat design and setup secrets for Recreational tunnels, Offshore Cats, Racing tunnels, Fishing/Utility hulls, Vee and Vee-Pad Hulls, Bass Boats
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    Vee Boat Design Program software  
    About VBDP Version 8                                   US$399

  "The best performance powerboat optimization software available to builders, designers , owners, drivers."   
  About VBDP | Features | Design Inputs | Perf Outputs | How it Works | Reports | Perf Reports & Graphics | Testimonials | Reviews | Our Methods | Updates | Order  

The Vee Boat Design Program (VBDP©) shows how your boat will perform, how to optimize performance, economy, top speed and dynamic stability.

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VBDP© is a Windows™-based software that completes performance analysis and design for all types of vee hulls and vee-pad hulls. Any size of boat - big or small, any hp - huge or little, any configuration. TBDP©/VBDP©'s easy user-interface makes performance analysis a quick, simple task. (See also TBDP©)AR® maintains the most advanced performance powerboat research programs in the industry.

The VBDP© for vee hulls is included as a full-featured part of the the popular Tunnel Boat Design Program (TBDP©) including detailed calculation methods that are key to effective vee hull design.


Gives the most comprehensive, complete Performance information through on-screen reports and printed reports with full velocity range predictive data and graphs, including unique 'intelligent' Performance Summary Wizard narrative with key observations and recommendations.

Just describe your hull design on input screens and TBDP©/VBDP© gives you all performance information about your boat design and setup, including a detailed Performance Report narrative and full Performance Graphs.

Optimize vee-pad modifications or vee-pad addition to vee hull.

Quickly: predict maximum speed and hull performance for the complete vee hull velocity range; optimize hull design and setup for specific operating expectations; test vee hull modifications for expected performance BEFORE changing the boat; design new vee hulls for optimum performance; analyze performance characteristics in detail, including dynamic stability, all hydrodynamic and aerodynamic Lifts & Drags, HP requirements, trim angles - even vee hull porpoising analysis; steps design, vee-pad optimization, compare performance of existing design with a new design/mods with on-screen graphics. VBDP© eliminates dramatic costs and expensive time delays from traditional "trial-and-error" design processes.

Vee Pad Design - How does a 'pad' help my vee hull performance?  How can I optimize my 'vee-pad' design? 

Design or modify a center lifting "Pad" for your Vee hull - find out if this feature would be a performance improvement for your boat! Optimize pad width, height, length by comparing ultimate performance of different designs. Many VBDP users have great success with the Vee-Pad design feature for their Vee hull mod projects! Analyze 'Delta-pad' or 'Std'/rectangular shaped pad to optimize performance application. Even notched pad configuration. [see video "Vee Pad Modification" with VBDP©]

Excellent for any size of boat - Sport vee, Offshore vees, Ocean racers (OPC) or Recreational vees, including modified Vee style hulls & Vee-Pad hulls, Bass Boats, even RC performance models. Any size, speed and setup conditions are all accounted for by the software.  VBDP principles perform for all types and any sizes of vee hulls/modified vee hulls and vee-pad hulls.  Any vee or flat bottom deadrise, with or without vee-pad, any hull length, steps, trim angles, any engine setup, any weight distribution - all these and 100 other vee hull design/setup parameters are easily accounted for by VBDP®.

 VBDP© provides a fast, detailed method for the vee boat designer, builder, owner or driver to generate a total performance and design analysis. VBDP© makes it easy to clearly predict the effect of any individual or group of design change(s) on the ultimate performance of the hull. 

Vee Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research

Contact Jimboat for support,help or questions
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Easy design input
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Quick Vee Design Wizard
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Extensive performance reports & graphics

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Extensive performance reports & graphics
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
OEM engine selection wizard with specs from over 4265+ listed

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
new.gif (29x14 -- 9694 bytes) Performance Report Wizard, unique for every design/setup.

What's new 09/03/24
TBDP©/VBDP© Version 8.11.5 Released!
(Windows 11/10/8/7/XP)
**VBDP© software is now included with TBDP® - the software for vee hull & vee-pad hull performance design and analysis!

Scream and Fly magazine Review of TBDP/VBDP Version 8
"...the very best and most comprehensive performance evaluation tool available."

TBDP© Version 6.5 reviewed by Scream & Fly magazine. 


VBDP V8.6, "Vee Pad modification Analysis" video


VBDP V8.11, "Porpoising Analysis" video


VBDP V8, "How Deadrise Affects Vee Hull Performance" Analysis video


"Economy Performance Analysis" video


VBDP V8, "Auto 1-2-3 Performance Analysis" video


VBDP V8, "Lower Unit Design" Performance Analysis video

"Jim Russell is the best there is and Helmut and I have always been guided by his knowledge and experience". [Greg Terzian, S&F magazine]

** Check out Review of TBDP/VBDP software by Scream & Fly magazine. 

** Check out magazine reviews of new TBDP software in Hot Boat (USA) magazine and in Raceboat Int'l  (UK) magazine.

 Consulting and Performance Reports available

  The software is not a fancy graphic or drafting-aid package. It is a proven, engineering design/analysis program that presents predictive performance results in easy-to-read, comparative-style format, on any Windows-compatible PC system.

Jim Russell is well-known for his research, development and race-testing of advanced hydrodynamic/aerodynamic relationships, including planing lift/drag, porpoising, chinewalk, hull stability and his expansion of Savitsky equations for high-performance hulls and aero-assisted hulls.

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research VBDP© and TBDP© generates detailed performance Reports, showing complete performance measurements of hydrodynamic Lifts & Drags, aerodynamic Lifts & Drags, forces & coefficients, dynamic stability, center of pressures, acceleration, elapsed times - even a unique Porpoise AnalysisPerformance reporting is done NOT just at one selected speed, BUT for ALL velocities throughout the full operating velocity range of the hulls operating performance range.  Data Reports make it easy to compare design changes, whether complex or simple changes, illustrating the regions of performance that are better or worse. Graphic Performance output is also presented for an easy visual review of all performance characteristics.
VBDP© allows for unlimited variations of hull designs stored in individual files. All design data dimensions and performance requirements for each design configuration are input to "free-form" data-entry screens, and can be easily changed. Predictive performance results are calculated with the same procedure as outlined in the Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design© book, using specialized algorithms. Many essential performance indicators such as "angle-of-attack", "wetted surface", "power ratings", "acceleration", "elapsed time" and "dynamic stability" relations are determined for full velocity range. Complex design features such as different aerodynamic shapes, steps, any cockpit configuration including enclosed "capsule" cockpits or even "cuddy cabin" or "center-console", multiple power trains, and vee-pad hull designs, can be implemented easily into the analysis. Even effects of geographic altitude and the differences of salt and fresh water are included. The resulting effect on all performance characteristics of even small dimensional or setup changes are seen quickly.

** Types of Hulls      ** see who uses TBDP©


 Professional features include On-Line Help Screens, Design File Management with Save, Add New, delete and Copy File, and data file printing to any Windows supported printer.

 Results can be easily analyzed with the powerful on-screen-graphic presentation. All of the essential performance indicators are presented in engineering graph format, for your full velocity range, showing the trends of these important indicators throughout the range of operation.

 TBDP©/VBDP© includes a detailled 170+  page User Manual, on-line context-sensitive HELP features, and installation CD [a DVD/CD-ROM drive is required in your computer for installation.]

 Detailed results can be saved to individual design files, or can be printed in Design Performance Reports output for review, comparison or documentation.


jim2.jpg secrets_of_tunnel_boat_desi.gif

about Jim Russell

"Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition"
 "Secrets of Propeller Design" book

"TBDP Version 8" Software "VBDP Version 8" Software "PropWorks2" software

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Special pricing updated October 09, 2024
Contact us at:
AeroMarine Research®
67 Highland Crescent, Cambridge, ON, Canada, N1S1M1
Tel: 519-240-7959

©Copyright by AeroMarine Research and Jim Russell, 1999-2025, all rights reserved.
Material from this website may be not copied or used or redistributed, in whole or in part, without specific written consent of Jim Russell or AeroMarine Research®.