Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Performance
design for Powerboats

Performance Boat design and setup secrets for Recreational tunnels, Offshore Cats, Racing tunnels, Fishing/Utility hulls, Vee and Vee-Pad Hulls, Bass Boats
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    Vee Hull and Vee Pad Design  
  What's new 05/11/24

Advanced Vee Hull Design - Check out the technical papers & reports on design of vee hulls and vee-pad hulls.  Free downloads here!  Learn the technical details about Vee Hull design, Vee-Pad design, Chine walk, Porpoising, Gearcase Blowout, Dynamic Stabiity, Roostertails, Lifting Strakes, Spray Rail Design, Whisker Spray, Speed Secrets, Step Design, deadrise and performance, Winterizing your outboard, Propeller design, Propeller Testing, Gearcase & Engine Height drag, aerodynamic design, even foot throttles, jack plates and trim tabs!

"Jim Russell is the best there is and Helmut and I have always been guided by his knowledge and experience". [Greg Terzian, S&F magazine]

VBDP© - Vee Boat Design Program, Version 8  Vee Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
***Version 8  New extensive *Performance Summary Wizard with key indicators and recommendations! Accurate Performance prediction.  Optimization of hull design features.  Dynamic Stability analysis  Porpoising. [see see ALL features]
*New aerodynamic algorithms.  VBDP uses proven analytical techniques to balance the lift/drag contributions of vee surfaces, lifting pad, strakes, etc.  Even aerodynamic lift/drag contributions accurately accounted for.
* Powerful Performance Summary Report Wizard outlines significant performance factors, even highlights design/setup issues of importance to unique design analysis.
* Vee Pad Optimization.  CG import feature.  Dozens of NEW features.
* Porpoise Analysis INCLUDED. NEW Motor database with over 4265+ OEM engine specs. BOTH VBDP & TBDP software in one installation).

  Includes 150+ page Users Manual and on-line context-sensitive HELP.
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine ResearchTunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
new.gif (29x14 -- 9694 bytes) - Advanced aerodynamics and cavity drag analysis gives highly accurate cockpit/cowling drag contributions to powerboat performance.


Vee-Pad hull Design - The tricky business of balancing the unique combination of lifts, drags, weights, thrust loads for Vee-Pad hull design is addressed in author Jim Russell's research papers, including Vee Pad Optimization, Porpoising, Steps Design, Dynamic Stability and more.  Also the world renowned VBDP© performance analysis software.

  S&Fly - Nov 2013
(Nov 2013)

"Pad Vee Design"

PBR - MarApr 2018

"The In's and Out's of Vee-Pad Sizing"

RIB International
(Jun 2011)
"Bottom Line-Vee Pad Design

PBR - June-July2020
Jun-Jul 2020)

"Tunnel Hull versus Vee-Pad ShootOut"

The "Secrets of Propeller Design" book outlines fundamentals of propeller design, Pitch, Rake, Skew, Venting, Cupping, Propeller Types, Fundamentals of Cavitation, Ventilation, Blowout, Slip, Nosecones, Labbing, Gearcase design, Surface Drives, and Speed Calculation formula.

  Secrets of Propeller Design 

SPD book includes
-fundamentals of propeller design
-Pitch, Rake, Skew
-Venting, Cupping
-Propeller Types
-Fundamentals of Cavitation, Ventilation, Blowout, Slip
-Gearcase design
-Speed Calculation formula.

(ISBN# 0-9780586-0-7)



PropWorks2© software for Prop Selection & Speed Prediction" -including Motor database of over   4265++ OEM engine specifications

  tbdpv7_boxGIF_150.gif (64x46 -- 6848 bytes)     

Vee hull design is addressed in the Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design book  (©1982-2025).  The new edition includes 'History of Modified Tunnel Hull (Mod VP) Design'; 'History & Design of Propellers'; 'History & Design of 'Wing in Ground Effect' (WIG) concepts, and the Ten Steps To Performance Powerboat Design.

The new edition includes the developments of the tunnel and Vee hulls, with detailed explanations of hull design, function, potential and characteristics. This unique book also details ten design steps for analysis of hull performance and stability.


STBD book now also includes:
- Design of Propellers
- Design of Lower Unit/Drive Units
- History of the Modified Vee hull
- Development of Vee hulls
- 10 Steps to performance powerboat design (with calculations).

(ISBN# 1-894933-30-3)



The Vee Boat Design Program (VBDP©) is a PC-based computer program that makes the analysis and design of vee hulls and vee-pad hulls extraordinarily fast and simple. The VBDP® incorporates the same proven design approach as documented in the Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design book (©1982-2025).  The VBDP® software is now included as a full-featured part of the the popular Tunnel Boat Design Program (TBDP®) including detailed calculation methods that are the key to proper vee hull design.

The User can quickly: predict maximum speed and hull performance for the complete vee hull velocity range; find out if your vee hull will porpoise; see how your vee hull would perform with a vee pad or with hull steps; optimize hull design and setup for specific operating expectations; test with lifting strakes or spray rails. Test vee hull modifications with the software for expected performance BEFORE changing the boat; design new vee hulls for optimum performance; analyze performance characteristics in detail, including dynamic stability, all hydrodynamic and aerodynamic Lifts & Drags, HP requirements, trim angles - even vee hull porpoising analysis; compare performance of old design with new design with on-screen graphics.

VBDP© takes the dramatic costs and expensive time delays out of traditional "trial-and-error" design processes.

Tunnel Boat Design Program Version 8.0
TBDP© Ver 8.0 Reviewed by
Powerboat & RIB magazine

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Vee Hull detailed input screens

Veel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
vee design hull wizard

Vee Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
VBDP Performance Graphics

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Vee Porpoise Analysis

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Dynamic Stability Analysis

VBDP© - Vee Boat Design Program

**TBDP© software now includes VBDP© - the software for vee hull & vee-pad hull performance design and analysis!
Vee Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research

** Check out the manual of VBDP 'boat design input' data.  Four full input screens, with over 60 input variables, for very precise control of your design and setup.


TBDP V8, "Auto 123 Performance Analysis" video


VBDP V8, "Vee Pad modification Analysis" video

Scream and Fly magazine Review of TBDP/VBDP Version 8
"...the very best and most comprehensive performance evaluation tool available."

Excellent for any size of boat - Sport vee, Offshore vees, Ocean racers (OPC) or Recreational vees, including modified Vee style hulls & Vee-Pad hulls, Bass Boats, even RC performance models. Any size, speed and setup conditions are all accounted for by the software.  VBDP principles perform for all types and any sizes of vee hulls/modified vee hulls and vee-pad hulls.  Any vee or flat bottom deadrise, with or without vee-pad, any hull length, steps, trim angles, any engine setup, any weight distribution - all these and 100 other vee hull design/setup parameters are easily accounted for by VBDP®.



jim2.jpg (37035 bytes)
about Jim Russell

secrets_of_tunnel_boat_desi.gif (53x73 -- 21190 bytes)13th edition
"Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design" book!
"Secrets of Propeller Design" book!

"TBDP Version 8" Software                     "VBDP Version 8" Software                      "PropWorks2" software

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Special pricing updated October 09, 2024
Contact us at:
AeroMarine Research®
67 Highland Crescent, Cambridge, ON, Canada, N1S1M1
Tel: 519-240-7959

©Copyright by AeroMarine Research and Jim Russell, 1999-2025, all rights reserved.
Material from this website may be not copied or used or redistributed, in whole or in part, without specific written consent of Jim Russell or AeroMarine Research®.