TBDP©/VBDP© Version 8 - What's New!
TBDP© Version 8 Released! (V8.0 released 1Mar2014, current , ) [see complete updates list]

ALL the standard TBDP standard features...PLUS...

Some of the cool NEW features added to the TBDP©/VBDP© software in Version 8 include:

1. NEW VBDP© - a most significant NEW element is the incorporation of the NEW “Vee Boat Design Program” full-featured software for “Vee hull and Vee-Pad hull” performance analysis. Our Users asked for Vee hull design capability, and so we’ve now included it! So the TBDP© now also includes the full VBDP© as part of one software package!


Complete Vee Boat Design Program
Input Screen (sample)

2. More () Input variables, more performance data output information ( data points), for more flexible design control and even more performance reporting information - including new Step Analysis, Porpoise Analysis, Dynamic Stability, Whisker Spray Drags (for sponsons, Center Pod, Vee, veepad); Lift/Drag Ratios (for sponsons, center pod, Vee and Veepad), separate Wetted Area data (SWet) for sponsons, center pod, Vee and Veepad; separate drag coefficients for CDWSponson, CDWVee, CDWPod, CDWPad, Trim Tabs lift/drag/coefficient/Aspect Ratio; along with all the other performance measures that TBDP©/VBDP© has presented in previous versions.


More Performance Output screens,  data points,  graphs, showing each performance result as it changes throughout full operating velocity range!

3. NEW "Auto 1-2-3 Performance Analysis" Wizard - automatically steps you through the 3 steps of performance analysis, to calculate Maximum Velocity, Trim Angle analysis and Power (Acceleration/Elapsed Time analysis) with simple guided button clicks. [GREAT NEW FEATURE used all the time by our power-users!]

It's as easy as 1-2-3 to get the highly accurate performance prediction of your boat. [click here to see how it works] OR check out the "Auto 123 Performance Analysis" video...

TBDP© V8, "Auto 123 Performance Analysis video


Auto 1-2-3 Wizard steps through
easy steps for full Performance Analysis
4. NEW Performance Analysis Optimizataion - Now () has 4 options for Optimizing methods of performance analysis -  get full performance data,  data points, for chosen analysis methods: 1) Max Velocity or Test Velocity 2) Trim Angles with Full Power, 3) Economy with Lowest Power & Lowest Trim Angle; 4) Power Required for specified Trim Angle.  Results through full operating velocity range. Quickly predict maximum speed and detailed hull performance characteristics; acceleration and Elapsed Time; optimize hull design and setup for your unique operating expectations.

See "Economy Performance Analysis" video...

"Economy Performance Analysis" video

  Performance Optimizing
Performance Optimizing Analysis, including: Max Velocity, Trim Optimization, Economy (Lowest Power & Lowest Trim), Power Optimizing (w/accel'n)

5. “Porpoise Analysis” - A breakthrough is the addition of a unique AR® “XPorpoise” feature that automatically shows your hull's susceptibility to porpoising, based on your hull design, configuration, setup, and operating conditions - assessed throughout the full operating velocity range. 'Will my boat porpoise or not?'...'Why does my boat porpoise at 40mph?'


Porpoise Analysis Graphic Report Screen

6. NEW "Performance Analysis Wizard" (Report Writer) - A fantastic, powerful, design-based Report that automatically compiles a narrative summary of the unique key performance characteristics for your specific performance analysis, including highlighting of important performance & design features and design/setup situations that may require consideration or correction, and even recommendations.

Each Performance Analysis Summary Wizard notes is different, uniquely generated for your specific design, setup and operating conditions input, and compiled based on unique performance results - so every summary has exclusive highlights, comments and recommendations for your design.

Every time you run a Performance Analysys using TBDP©/VBDP© a new Performance Analysis Summary Report is presented with summary results and related recommendations for your specific design, setup and analysis.  This is NOT a 'standardized' report - it's specifically written for your design, setup and your performance results.


Performance Analysis Wizard
(auto Report Writer)
7. Advanced Step Design/Analysis - AR® has developed advanced analysis techniques that accurately calculate the performance effects of single or multiple steps in tunnel hulls or vee hulls.  Step design inputs include multiple step locations, step angles, step heights.  Step analysis provides functional wetted areas, force locations, Dynamic Center of Forces locations -  even shows when each step region is wetted/loaded and when it becomes unwetted/unloaded.  Performance Output screens and Graphics show effective wetted surface lengths and step loading for each portion of step activation, including ‘unwetted’ stages. The Wizard Report provides Step performance summary and recommendations for optimization.  
Multi-step design and performance analysis accounts for local step angle, wetted surface, lift location and step effective velocity.

8. NEW “Motor Wizard” feature includes over  OEM engine specs in a selection database, making input of your engine data to TBDP©/VBDP© as simple as picking your motor from a list...ALL the newest OEM outboard and sterndrive engines.  'Motor Wizard' is updated every year, and is the most comprehensive engine specification database available worldwide.  
"Motor Wizard" – Selection Screen

9. NEW
Whisker Spray analysis - advanced hydrodynamics and Whisker Spray drag analysis gives highly accurate drag contributions to powerboat performance predictions & optimization.  Added new performance report variables showing all whisker drag components with individual drag coefficients.

Advanced "Whisker Spray" drag analysis

10. Quick Design Wizard makes it easy to start your design by selecting one of 'typical' design outlines. Sample designs are included in TBDP©/VBDP© database (with full Input dimensions and setup details) for Recreational Offshore Catamaran, Recreational Tunnel boat, F1 Style racing tunnel, Mod VP Drag tunnel, Offshore Racing Catamaran, Recreational High Performance Modified Vee, Offshore Fishing/Utility, Vee Hull with Pad, Vee Hull with No Pad, ZapCat (lnflatable), RC Tunnel, RC Vee sterndrive, Vee Hull Sterndrive, Bass Boat w/center console designs. Modifications for your own design are automatically input - dimension and setup design arrangements are automatically applied to all the design input fields.
Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
"Quick Design Wizard" - select complete hull design and customize
11. NEW Auto Convert program translates all older TBDP© design data files to the newest TBDP©/VBDP© data format – so you easily update your previous design files with new advanced format.  Conversion now automatic with TBDP©/VBDP© upgrade installation.

12. Ten Design Wizards - so powerful! Propeller Wizard; Motor Selection Wizard; Miscellaneous Payload Weight Wizard; Angle Increment Calculator; Quick Design Wizard; WAngle Calc Wizard; Deadrise Wizards; Power Calc Wizard; Velocity Calc Wizard; Expanded Wizard Tutorial and the extraordinary Performance Analysis Report Wizard (Report writer).

13. “Design-versus-Design Comparison Graphic” screens, a great feature to compare the performance of any design feature(s), 'before-and-after'. Make a single design or setup change, or make many changes to your arrangement and see the direct performance comparison of the modified design to your original design.  Compare 2 or 3 completely different design configurations/setups.  Great feature for assessing 'what-if' design scenerios and optimizing design/performance.

Comparison Graphic Screen

14. Advanced Cockpit drags - NEW analysis for accurate aerodynamic drag contributions resulting from the exposed cockpit, cowlings, fairings, cockpit covers, including profile drags, friction drags and complex cavity drag. Cockpit selection wizard provides  cockpit design templates.

NEW Advanced Cockpit/Cowling/Fairing drag now includes complex Cavity Drag analysis. NEW multiple cockpit/cowling design configurations to select from, including Open, Covered, Race Canopy, Cockpit w/Windscreen, Streamlined, Center Console, even a Cuddy Cabin.  Even Rear-cowl and cockpit cover designs.


Cockpit/Cowling/Fairing analysis considers profile, friction and even complex cavity drag

15. TBDP©/VBDP© 'Lower Unit Drag Analysis' calculates hydrodynamic drag of ANY lower unit design; includes standard design specs for  OEM drives, including Merc TorqueMaster, SportMaster, and FleetMaster drives; Seven Marine GT, Merc Verado L6, massive Yamaha and Mercury R450 and HD 300-350hp drives, Merc M6/M8 and drysump outdrives, Merc Verado 350Sci HD, Merc SSM4, Merc SSM6, Nissan & Tohatsu SportC, Tohatsu 50HP D-Stock foot, Suzuki DF and Evinrude ETec HO gearcases, Alpha, Bravo, Volvo IO drives, IMCO SCX drives, Ilmor Indy drives, Arneson surface drives, even RC outdrives and Jet drives. 

AR® advanced research has developed complex algorithms that calculate hydrodynamic drag of the outboard lower unit or I/O outdrive configurations.  This performance is different for each design, each setup arrangement and drag contributors are different at each operating velocity.  Complete drag analysis includes Torpedo drag, Skeg drag, Leg drag, Spray drag, Multi-engine Interference drag, Torpedo Resolved Lift and Induced Drag, all shown in Wizard Performance Reports.

Tunnel Boat Design Software by AeroMarine Research
Drive-Wizard - selection of
OEM drive dimensions or input your own dimensions.

16. Trim Tabs, Spray Rails & Lifting Strakes - TBDP©/VBDP© now includes the use and analysis of Trim Tabs, Spray Rails and Lifting Strakes in your hull setup, and shows individual contributions to performance.
[this was another request from our TBDP©/VBDP© users]

Analysis of Spray Rails and Lifting Strakes, based on Jim Russell's engineering design paper and published article. Capability of Below-Chine Spray Rails (deflectors) for Whisker Spray reduction and Above-Chine spray rails and effects on Sheer (friction) Spray Drag.


Spray Rail and Lifting Strake
17. Enhanced calc for CFDynamic (dynamic stability) for cases of Vee hull with Pad and Tunnel Hull with Center Pod, more accurate for all design configurations and operating conditions. Advanced analysis of the changing hydrodynamic and aerodynamic forces acting on tunnel hulls and vee hulls gives highly accurate dynamic stability, performance predictions & optimization. This is a most key performance measure for establishing force balances and dynamic stability.  

18. Propeller sizing can be obtained based on your design performance, motor specifications, engine RPM and propeller pitch is predicted by TBDP©/VBDP© based on your design/setup and operating performance.

19. NEW On-Line HTML HELP screens, with Context sensitive access, index and search, with samples of actual screens and even suggestions for how to apply the topic to your design. [Now over  Windows 11/10/8/7 compatible Help screens]

20. NEW  page User’s manual, over 70,000 words of tutorials & HELP illustrations detailing every feature of TBDP©/VBDP© Version 8.

21. FREE Expert Performance Analysis Reports of American Offshore AO3100, STV Euro19, Cougar 21MTR, Charger 16DL Vee hull and Prowler Utility 246 boats - using TBDP©/VBDP© software with complete output data. Full sample Reports of TBDP©/VBDP© performance analysis of typical hull designs.

22. “User Picture Import” - ability to import your own boat picture into the software as a (reference) pictorial part of your design file record.

23. “Auto Bottom Design” - for Vee hull design, bottom dimensions are automatically adjusted when a “pad” is added or removed (helpful for easy pad vs. no-pad comparisons). For tunnel hulls, auto adjustment for center-pod changes.

24. “Automatic Static CG” on-screen Calculation for any hull configuration - overall boat STATIC CG is calculated every time you make a change, and shown on input sub-screen.

25. NEW "Change in Value" (mathematical derivative of the performance measure) feature on graphic performance results screens & reports – makes it even easier to see break points of performance issues, showing “how fast is it changing” data.

26. NEW "What's Changed" feature highlights and summarizes each data changed, for each of 1, 2, or 3 different design alternatives for a design file.

And a long list of other great new features and enhancements, including:

Dozens of other new features and design options include:

  • Improved aerodynamic algorithms; even more accuracy, even more hull configurations

  • complex step design/analysis

  • Improved drag algorithms for more types of cockpit and cowling configurations

  • Hydrodynamic planing surface performance reporting including wetted lengths, wetted surface areas, center-of-pressure locations, effective planning surface widths - all for each planing surface contributor.

  • Symmetrical or asymmetrical sponsons

  • On-screen display of automatically calculated total hull weight and cg

  • Multiple spray rail design selection

  • Aerofoil dimensions view feature

  • Multiple step selection design frame

  • Minimum wetted sponsons/vee surface length

  • Maximum wetted sponsons/vee surface length

  • CG on-screen calculation

  • Automatic wangle increase

  • Automatic blowover check & alert

  • Automated 'head/tail wind' simulation

  • Centerpod wangle input

  • Accurate top speed prediction

  • Acceleration modeling with elapsed time prediction

  • Angle increment calculator

  • Velocity range calculator

  • Motor height calc's

  • 55+ color graphic performance charts.

  • Water type selection

  • Altitude selection

  • Euro units version with auto conversion between USA & metric for inputs and performance results

  • Multiple engine/drive applications

See the rest of the current update (, ) software features at: aeromarineresearch.com/tbdp6_features.html
